
Kimiagaran Sanat Amirkabir
Knowledge Based and Nanoscale Company

The Kimiagaran Sanat Amirkabir Knowledge Based and Nanoscale Company, operates within the realm of consulting, design, construction, and implementation of air filtration systems for both industrial and healthcare environments. By placing a strong emphasis on extensive research in recent years, this company has successfully amalgamated consultations with industry managers, distinguished university professors, and a decade of industrial expertise from its specialists. This synergy has enabled the company to position itself as a pioneer in the knowledge sector, specializing in nanoscale air filtration solutions for industrial and healthcare settings in Iran. The company takes pride in offering comprehensive design and construction services for filtration systems aimed at eliminating diverse environmental pollutants, including fumes, various types of dust, and gas vapors.

In recent years, the R&D unit of this company has conducted extensive research and experiments in the field of understanding the behavioral mechanisms of various gaseous and solid phase pollutants such as metal fume dust and various chemical gases.
These researches have led to the design of the pollutant filtration system with higher efficiency and at the same time with less energy consumption, thus solving the problem of pollutants in a specialized way for different industries.
Finally, the scientific and technical engineering experience and capability of this company made it successful in receiving the knowledge-based and nanoscale certificate from the working group for evaluating and recognizing the competence of knowledge-based companies and institutions, as well as the nanoscale certificate from the Nano Technologies Development Headquarters.

Currently, Kimiagaran Sanat Amirkabir Company is operating as the only knowledge-based and nanoscale company in the field of filtration of industrial and sanitary environments in Iran.

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Facts and Figures
We are the best in our field

Why should you choose us?

12+years of experience
10Experienced experts
13+Honors of the company
10+Cooperation with industries
مصاحبه مدیر عامل کیمیاگران صنعت امیرکبیر با صدا و سیما

Knowledge based company Kimiagaran Sanat Amirkabir

We have achieved a new initiative by using experienced university professors and industry managers.







Major activities of the  Kimiagaran Sanat Amirkabir company

We have turned ideas and visions into winning projects.

Organic compounds (CxHy), sulfur oxides (SOX), nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO) and dust particles are among the most important pollutants in manufacturing industries which play an important role in the formation of urban photochemical smog and climate change.

Dust particles are removed through cyclones, electrostatic precipitators and bag filters with acceptable efficiency. The optimal functioning of these systems, in addition to reducing environmental pollution caused by the entry of polluting particles into the environment, can also include significant economic benefits in the recovery of pollutants in dust.

In the implementation of all project stages, there will be no disruption in the production sector. It is hoped that this goal will be possible through interaction and cooperation with the management and executive agents of the companies. Sampling and analysis are done by trusted laboratories and with the opinion of the company's experts in different places and time frames.

Honors of the company
Kimiagaran Sanat Amirkabir

  • Selected as the best technologist of Isfahan province in 2013.
  • Obtaining a knowledge-based certificate from the working group for evaluating and recognizing the competence of knowledge-based companies and institutions in 2013.
  • The holder of the patent certificate of H2S odor absorbent nano material in 2013.
  • The provider of the country's best wastewater treatment plan in 2013.
  • Cyclone design with high efficiency in the 4th excellent conference of ventilation and industrial hygiene in 2013.
  • Obtaining a nanoscale certificate from the Nano Technology Development Headquarters in 2014.
  • Finding a way to the 8th Nanotechnology Festival in 2014 and finding a way to the 3rd Biotechnology Festival in 2014.
  • The holder of the certificate of participation in Fanbazar Salamat in 2015.
  • Finding the way to the 4th Biotechnology Festival in 2016.
  • Finding a way to the Water and Wastewater Industry Research and Technology Festival in 2016.
  • Obtaining the top rank of the second national event of the Fan Bazaar idea of ​​the water and sewage industry in Tehran province in the field of removing the smell of urban manhole valves in 2016.
  • Obtaining the second place in Isfahan Province Wastewater Hamnet event with the cooperation of the National Elite Foundation in 2017.
  • The only knowledge-based and nanoscale certificate holder in the field of filtration.


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